Week 3: Self Doubt
Weekly Reading:
Genesis 49 - Exodus 17
Opening Prayer
Father God
As we progress in this year, we desire to lean more on You and less on ourselves. We know that we cannot do it all on our own. In fact, we need You more everyday. Father God, you tell us to trust in You, you tell us to rest in You. Give us the courage to do exactly that, lean on You, rest in You, trust in You.
Thank you to God who gave Josh Williams the voice to put all of our insecurity in a song, exactly what we feel.
Fear, he is a liar
When he told you you're not good enough
When he told you you're not right
When he told you you're not strong enough
To put up a good fight
When he told you you're not worthy
When he told you you're not loved
When he told you you're not beautiful
You'll never be enough
Fear, he is a liar
Moses felt the same way. Moses did not think he was good enough. Moses had a fear of speaking in front of others. In Exodus 4:10-17, we see Moses pleading with the Lord to pick somebody else, somebody more worthy, someone who can speak in front of others.
Moses is full of excuses. Who am I to appear before the Pharaoh and lead the people out of Egypt (Exodus 3:11)? What if they won’t listen to me or believe me (Exodus 4:1)? Why did you send me(Exodus 5:22)? How can I expect the Pharoah to listen? I’m such a clumsy speaker (exodus 6:12)?
Moses struggled saying yes to God due to self-doubt. Moses was the only one in his way. God continued to provide answers for Moses, provide a way for Moses, provide means for Moses when he felt weak or not good enough.
God answered I will be with you (Exodus 3:12). God performed miracles through Moses to show Pharaoh that the Lord was behind Moses (Exodus 4:2-5). The Lord shows Pharaoh his strong hand (Exodus 6:1). The Lord spoke through and was Moses and Aaron’s speechwriter so that they knew the right words to say (Exodus 6:13).
Every fear-laden excuse given by Moses was backed up by the truth of God.
God provides truth to our fears, solutions to our fears, answers to our fears.
When we live in self-doubt, we doubt God and God‘s abilities.
In Philippians 4, we see Paul speaking to the Philippine church. He thanks the congregation for providing for him, but says the reason he’s able to do the great things that he does is through his strength in Christ. Paul is responding to his calling because he is responding to his calling in God. Because he is obedient to God, he is able to chuck fear out the window and he is able to do much with little.
We too are given the same challenges, to do much with little. But we are not called to do much with little on our own. It is through God‘s strength that we are able to carry out His plan for our life, As Paul did. I think that the life of Moses and his self-doubt is a great example to all of us that God cares for us and will always provide a solution.
If God is for us who can ever be against us? (Romans 8:31b)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs. 3:5-6).
You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its remotest parts and said to you, “You are My servant, I have chosen you and not rejected you. Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:9-10)
Lean on God when you feel self-doubt.
Fear, he is a liar.
Closing Prayer
Father God,
You know me, You know my heart like no other. You are my creator, my liberator, my deliverer, my savior. Give me the strength to get off the teeter-totter of self-doubt. Only You have the power to give me the words to say as You did with Moses, and all I need to do is believe in You. Lord, I chose to believe in You today. I want to get off the teeter-totter and be secure in You, Father.
Where do you doubt yourself?
Name the times and spaces where you doubt yourself?
Pray to God to help you with your feelings of self-doubt, pray that God helps you overcome these feelings.