Week 52: The Glory of God
The source of God's glory was so great that those in his presence could do nothing but sing His praise all day and night.

Week 51: By Faith
By living in faith, Abraham, Isaac, and David kept their eyes on God, knowing that this earth was not their home and not the kingdom of God's promise. By surrendering to our faith in the unseen, we know that God has so much more in store for us.

Week 50: Last Days
Paul further instructed Timothy to keep his mind clear (II Timothy 4:5) and the only way to do this is by remaining faithful to God, studying scripture, and spending time in prayer. Paul makes it clear that this is about our everlasting soul and what it takes to get there.

Week 49: Heavenly Bodies
As the years continue, my body will continue to change and start to decay. This earth is not my final resting place. My final body will become a heavenly body, a body at home with my father in heaven.

Week 48: Sweet Perfume
My eyes are so much more open by the fragrance of the new covenant. I hope today I am more like a sweet perfume rather than the stench of who I once was.

Week 47: Gifts
Knowing your gifts as given by God and the gifts of others enables a highly functioning society, honoring God and others, supporting one another, and sharing the love of God.

Week 46: Your Testimony
What is your Testimony? Who were you before you knew Christ, the moment you knew Christ, and who are you today?

Week 45: Not My Home
While we feel unsettled or anxious, we know that this place is not our home. On the other side, Jesus tells us of the unspeakable joy waiting for us in His Father‘s home.

Week 44: For a Reason
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
Romans 8:28 NLT

Week 43: Fruit Bearing?
How are we reaching others? How are we loving others? Are we sharing God’s love for their eternal lives?

Week 42: Inner Purity
If our inner self is focused on a loving God, and loving one another, our minds will be pure; pure of thought, and pure of action. Because with love, all you can do is share the kingdom with others.

Week 41: Dressed for Success
We must be ready when the King comes to call by binding ourselves to Christ by faith and by bearing His fruit. It is not by works or anything we can do, but by our faith in Christ and by God’s grace may we enter the kingdom.

Week 40: Arguing with God
Is your heart all in with the purest of intentions in your spiritual life?

Week 39: From Dispair to Hope
When you find that you are feeling depressed or distressed this week, reach out to God and ask for help.
Also, if you need it, seek out a counselor who can help you.

Week 38: When Leaders are Wicked
Good always wins over evil in the end, and God’s reign is eternal. Our job is to keep the faith and encourage others through seasons where we see leadership as bad or wicked. Always pray. Pray for the leadership in the world, your country, your state or province, your city or town, your job, and at your church and home. Always pray.

Week 37: Holy Portion
Because we were called and because we were given grace, though we were sinners yet, we are to keep ourselves pure and reserved for God‘s purpose.

Week 36: Watchmen
When a concept is repeated in God’s word we should listen. We are called to look out for one another, to be the watchmen for our brothers and sisters in Christ. I am ready for the challenge, are you with me?

Week 35: Dependence
The blessings of our lives are all due to God’s provision. We are utterly dependent on him as a newborn baby, just as the Israelites in the desert.

Week 34: Broken
God‘s mercy renews in the promise of a new day. God is compassionate to our brokenness, whatever it may be, whatever consumes us he will provide protection. When everything is stripped away, at the base of everything, we still have God

Week 33: False Prophets
By going to God in prayer or searching his word together we can both empathize and do right without leading our friends and family to sin by justifying, rationalizing, defending, or making excuses for ungodly behavior.