Week 32: Divorce
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 32: Divorce

We are the bride, the bride who has all her needs met in God, and His provision, and His grace. We are the Israelites, never satisfied, always wanting more.

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Week 31: The Gift
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 31: The Gift

God listens to our prayers and what is in His will, He will make happen. God gave Hezekiah a new day, 15 years of new days.

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Week 29: Hevel, Hevel
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 29: Hevel, Hevel

Hevel, the word used in Hebrew meaning like smoke or vapor, like your breath on a wintry morning.

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Week 28: Silence is Golden
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 28: Silence is Golden

Solomon, in his Proverbs, gives us the option of wisdom or folly. Many times, our mouths give us away as either fool or wise.

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Week 27: Praise the Lord
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 27: Praise the Lord

In Psalms 113 through 117 and in the call and response of chapter 118, we see the joyful hearts of the Israelites remembering where they came from and where they need to stay, in God‘s favor in God’s love, as God’s people.

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Week 26: Teaching Future Generations
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 26: Teaching Future Generations

The Bible does not say we need an advanced degree to teach God’s wonders, we only need to share the love that God has for us and demonstrated it in our lives so that others can hear.

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Week 24: God’s Deserved Honor
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 24: God’s Deserved Honor

Choosing the right path in God will always be a challenge for us, but it is our choice to follow God and the gifts He has in store for us in His kingdom that bring honor to His name.

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Week 23: Just Listen
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 23: Just Listen

Pray to God for our friends and thank God for being there and providing blessings in the struggle. Sometimes we are praying with our friends and sometimes we give them their space and praying for them in our own space.

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Week 21: God’s Will
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 21: God’s Will

What we do see over and over again is that God makes away for what is in His will.  Let’s be open to God’s will, be obedient to God’s will, and the blessings His will brings.

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Week 20: Peer Pressure
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 20: Peer Pressure

How much easier is it to follow God's will when you surround yourself with other believers who encourage you via peer pressure

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Week 18: Everlasting to Everlasting
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 18: Everlasting to Everlasting

“Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 NLT

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Week 17: Financial Peace
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 17: Financial Peace

Isn't life about connections to God and others?

Isn't it time for me to stop trying to impress others and start living, just living, for God and in God?

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Week 16: Whisper
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 16: Whisper

Take time in God to listen to His gentle voice, His voice encouraging you, guiding you, leading you as He led Elijah.

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Week 15: Wisdom
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 15: Wisdom

Only through God and seeking God’s wisdom and understanding can we be truly wise.

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Week 13: God Chose Our Heart
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 13: God Chose Our Heart

While the world judges us by what we say, how attractive we are, how toned our bodies are, God, judges us by our hearts and who we are in Him. 

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