Week 26: Teaching Future Generations
Weekly Reading:
Psalms 72 - 111
Opening Prayer
Father God,
You are faithful from generation to generation. You are powerful and amazing in every way. Let us talk about Your power and amazing grace with others, share with others, and open our hearts to speak with others about You. We love You, Father.
Generational learning is now a popular topic in teaching, medical and government environments. How to teach so that your audience will listen and comprehend is important. How we teach Generation X versus a baby boomer is a complex topic. And then there is Generation Z, A whole new generation with entirely different influences.
Teaching generations of learners about God and His miracles has always been relatively the same, except for Bible translations into other languages.
In Psalm 78, the author provides the background of learning to all future generations. He instructions us not to hide the truth of the past from our children, to boast about God’s glorious deeds, God’s power, and mighty wonders (Psalm 78:4). After all, God commanded us to teach our children so that they can teach their children (Psalm 78:5-6). With this, God’s renewed hope will be instilled from generation to generation (Psalm 78:7) and future generations will not be stubborn and rebellious like the ancestors of Israel (Psalm 78:8). The song teaches of the miracles and wonders of God.
In Joel 1:3 we see further instructions to tell our children about God and let our children tell their children.
“Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation.”
Joel 1:3 NLT
Proverbs 22:6 says to direct your children onto the right path.
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”
Proverbs 22:6 NLT
And again, in Deuteronomy 11:19.
“Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.”
Deuteronomy 11:19 NLT
We are instructed to continue to teach future generations about God our Father and His greatness.
In the many years that have passed since the writings of Psalms, we are still learning in the same manner: we talk to each other, we see each other, we pray with each other, we share God’s word with each other, and we speak God’s truth in love.
The Bible does not say we need an advanced degree to teach God’s wonders, we only need to share the love that God has for us and demonstrated it in our lives so that others can hear.
Closing Prayer
Father God,
Give me the strength to share the great wonders You have provided in my life. I want to share the grace You provide, the love and the understanding. Give me the words to speak of Your greatness.
Who can you share the love of God with today?
How can you demonstrate God’s love for others?