Week 25: Shame, Guilt and Forgiveness
Weekly Reading:
Psalms 39 - 71
Opening Prayer
Father God,
You know my heart, my troubles, my conflictions. You know where I feel guilt and shame. Give me the strength to release my shame and turn my guilt over to you. Father, You are my deliverer, my savior.
David knew he was wrong. He had an affair and then went so far as to try to cover his sin by killing the innocent man whom he dishonored by sleeping with his wife, Bathsheeba. Little David who conquered Goliath was in deep this time. He spent his whole life honoring God and then allowed temptation to sway him from doing right, bringing him from a place of very wrong to even worse when he tried to cover for his mistakes.
How does one come back from such a transgression (see Psalm 51)?
1. recognize God, His might, and His power as the only one who can provide mercy.
2. ask forgiveness
3. acknowledge the sin, name it
4. acknowledge that you have sinned against God and His commands for you to live a clean and holy life. Apologize or ask forgiveness of the one whom you hurt
5. acknowledge that we are not blameless and are born as a flawed individual
6. acknowledge God as Supreme who desires good in all of us
7. ask forgiveness of our sins and purge them so that we may be renewed and God
8. rejoice in our brokenness, only through God can we become whole again
9. create a clean slate so that we are not separated from God by our sin or shame
10. ask God, remove my guilt and shame so that I may teach others of Your love with a pure heart
11. release my feelings of guilt and shame so that I may praise God with an open heart
12. agree to sin no more
David was praising God’s might and strength fully confessing, accepting responsibility for his failures, and asking for a pure heart and a clear mind to spread the word of God‘s greatness.
Only by being removed from our sin can we be truly free in God‘s love and blessings.
What will you pray for today?
Closing Prayer
Father God,
You know me and my heart. You know when I am sinful and when I am insincere, when I am cruel and when I need forgiveness. Father God, search my heart, see the woman inside You desire of me. Father, forgive my sin, and my transgressions and provide a new day free from guilt and shame.
What is causing you feelings of guilt or shame?
Ask God to release it today.