Week 24: God’s Deserved Honor
Weekly Reading:
Psalms 1 -38
Opening Prayer
Father God,
You are mighty, wonderful, peace-giving, and all-powerful. You are the provider, caretaker, and deliverer. Father God, you deserve all respect and honor. Father, we praise You. Give us the heart to share all You are with the world as David did
When we honor, we show respect because of worth, merit, or rank. God is the creator of all (Genesis chapter 1) and deserves our highest honor.
Psalm 22:23 tells us to give God honor and revere Him.
We find ourselves going about our day chasing our pursuits, casually giving thanks to God our Creator. God is given little time in our lives in our thoughts.
Throughout our reading this week we repeatedly see the Psalmist, typically David, give honor to God. Several times, David specifically says God is to be honored (Psalm 19:1-11, 21:1, 29:1-2).
But in other ways, David honors God by praising him in each song. Even when David is at a low point or feels persecuted, he recognizes God and glorifies God who is powerful and just (Psalm 7:9, 8:1, 8:7). God was an integral part of the Israelite’s lives and they recognized God and His power daily. When good happened, it was God (Psalm 22); when bad happened, God will provide judgment and rule fairly (Psalm 9:8). God will take care of His people who live for Him.
Glory to God in every chapter, David gives God the honor that is due. As you read through Psalms it is evident that the Israelites, who were in God’s favor, recognize and remember God’s power. Through sacrifices and festivals God was remembered and honored, God’s place on the throne was revered and God was celebrated (Genesis 8:9). It was known that the world had to hold was God’s (Psalm 24:1).
It is recognized that only God can save (Psalm 25:11). By fearing the Lord (honoring God in his rightful place as ultimate ruler and creator Psalm 25:12), He will show us the way to a simple life under His grace (Proverbs 3:5-6) and direction.
So, knowing this and seeking the proof in the teachings of Psalms, Kings, and Samuel were those who knew God and followed, revered, and honored God found God’s favor while those who turned away and pursued their own worldly pleasures found heartache and challenges: would we not want to take the easier path in God’s mercy and grace? The path of the 23rd Psalm seems so much easier than our lives when we fight against God‘s plan. Now we know that there will still be troubles, as man has free will and the original sin set us apart from paradise, but with God, our paths will be His and will be full of His blessings.
Choosing the right path in God will always be a challenge for us, but it is our choice to follow God and the gifts He has in store for us in His kingdom that bring honor to His name.
Closing Prayer
Father God,
Only You are powerful enough to save. You are sovereign and deserving of all praise. Thank You for choosing us and showering Your grace upon us. Father God, You are mighty to save. No one can compare to You. Father, we love you.
In what ways can you honor God this week?
Who can you share God with today?