Week 10: Trust in God
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 10: Trust in God

Today, let’s pray that we learn to trust in God‘s plan and His desire for our lives rather than our own

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Week 9: Choices
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 9: Choices

We have the same choice: do we follow God and live a life of promise and prosperity of spirit and blessing, or do we choose a different road away from God?

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Week 8: Guard Your Heart
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 8: Guard Your Heart

In all things, guard your heart by surrounding yourself with other believers, being in the word, and praying to our Heavenly Father.

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Week 7: Sacrifice
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 7: Sacrifice

Do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16

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Week 6: The Blessing
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 6: The Blessing

God loves us. His desire for us is love and peace, living in his grace. As we think of our blessings each day, let's also say prayers of blessings over each other.

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Week 5: Love Your Neighbor
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 5: Love Your Neighbor

God saw that His people struggled with loving one another and brought His Son to help soften the hearts of his people so that they could learn to love one another.

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Week 4: Community
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 4: Community

We are in many different communities whether it is our workplace, where we live, or at our church. Each community plays a different role in our lives, but our role is always to support and build up others.

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Week 2: Obedience
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 2: Obedience

Keeping our eyes on God and our ears open to his word will guide us in obedience to the path we are meant to follow.

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Week 1: Controlling
Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 1: Controlling

God loves us despite our shortcomings, as such we can release fear, release control, and let God continue to create beauty and love in our lives.

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