Week 11: Learning from the Past
Weekly Reading:
Joshua 22 - Judges 17
Opening Prayer
Father God,
I know that you are all-powerful, all-mighty, and all holy. I know that I am forgiven, and you are mighty to forgive. However, there are times when I do not forgive myself. I get stuck in the loop of shame and blame, beating myself up for past mistakes. There are times when I struggle to learn from my past failures, and I get caught up in the error loop. Father, give me the wisdom to see what You see.
Who you were yesterday does not dictate who you are today or who you may be in the future.
As we enter into the final years of Joshua's life (Joshua 23), he does his best to pass on his past wisdom and guidance for the future. As he knows the end is near, he wants to prepare Israel. First, he ensures the blessings of God by speaking about the conquered lands and how God works through the Israelites. Then he says what the Israelites must do in return, obey. Joshua tells of the book of instruction and to not deviate from it. Do not be tempted by others; cling tightly to God. Joshua also warns what will happen when the Israelites fall under the influence of others.
In Joshua 24, again, Joshua speaks of what the Lord has done for the Israelites. And then Joshua renews the covenant with God and his people.
We see the end of Joshua's leadership there, with Joshua's death at 110.
We next see the Israelites in their second generation after Joshua (Judges 2:10). Judges rise to lead the people, selected by God (Judges 2:16); however, the Israelites did not learn from the past and continue to corrupt themselves (Judges 2:19) after the death of each judge. We see the Israelites face other nations, and God allowed the other kings of rival nations to take over the Israelite's promised land.
We see influences from other tribes, who were not wholly driven out. We get caught in a sin cycle when we do not get rid of the bad influences, temptations, or things that cause us to stumble. This cycle is where the Israelites found themselves. The cycle repeated itself with the appointment of a judge to lead the people, desiring to save them; the Israelites would cry out to God for help, the new judge would lead them to victory, and the cycle would continue.
Cry out for help
Appointment of a new judge
All is well for a time
Backsliding into idol worship and disrespect for God
With each newly appointed judge, we see the same cycle of the Israelite people reminding us of the famous quote, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."
We've all heard this quote, but we do not see it at the moment. We do not comprehend that we are continuing the cycle of misaligning our faith, of falling and failing, of committing the same sins over and over again as if we were a slave to them.
But, our past does not need to write our future. We have the opportunity to rewrite our future as we do our present. We only need to recognize our cycle and learn from our past. When I do this, I get a corresponding result. For example: when I go out with girlfriends for ladies' night, I always drink more than I should. The best way to curtail that? Stop going out on ladies' nights or challenge the group to a non-drinking night.
We can learn from our past to create a better future if we plant our strength in God and the will to follow him.
"But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace."
1 Corinthians 15:10 NLT
Closing Prayer
Father God,
You are mighty to save, mighty to help me overcome my past and be the woman You desire of me. I know that I get stuck in an ever-present loop of sin and shame. And I also know that You choose more for me. Give me the strength to be present in You and for you so that I can turn in my sinful nature to a godly nature.
Is there something in your past that keeps coming up?
Journal about it, and then pray for God to help you release it.