Week 45: Not My Home
Weekly Reading:
John 12 - Acts 7
Opening Prayer
Father God,
Thank You for another day in Your creation. Thank You for sending Your Son and Your Advocate to watch over us, to teach us, to be with us. Father, give us a heart to understand and ears to hear Your word today.
Home. It is the good kind of four letter word. Last week I spoke of moving into a house I did not like, part of the reason was that he did not feel like home. It is hard to explain living in a house that never feels like a home unless you’ve been there. But, to describe it would say that you always feel like a stranger, like you are infringing on someone, you open the door instead of feeling comfortable and ease you feeling anxiety. The most succinct way to say it is more like you are driving with your seatbelt off, feeling like you could fall out at any moment. But you will live there because you have to for one reason or another: finances, spouse, family.
Jesus spoke of home often. Specifically that our world was not His home, and that His home is with His Father.
Jesus speaks of His Father’s house, which is big enough to hold His family and is being prepared for those who have faith (John 14:1-4). We will all be welcome in His Father’s house. His house will be filled with joy, abundant joy. The sorrow of this world will be over just as labor pains, once the baby is born unspeakable joy overcomes the mother (John 16:20-24). God’s house is a joy that cannot be taken away. A house full of joy is what we are all looking for.
Jesus longs for home with His Father, where love abounds, where He will return to the love He remembers (John: 16:27-28). Jesus says that this because this world has rejected Him, because Jesus does not belong to the world, the world is not His home (John 17:14-19). He prays for His family on earth, to keep them safe, keep them in the truth. Jesus knows that His sacrifice is necessary to bring His family home to His kingdom in heaven.
Jesus knows His family, in the world He would be hated as He was hated (John 15:18-27). Because His family is not destined to the world, Jesus’ followers will be persecuted, they will suffer and while they try to save others, they will be dismissed. This treatment will make Jesus’ family more desirous of their heavenly home.
Jesus went into the world to fulfill the prophecy provided in the Old Testament. He came into the world to redeem those who chose to follow God, knowing that this world is not their home. Jesus came into the world and must depart, leaving His advocate (Holy Spirit) to comfort those in faith and judge those without.
While we feel unsettled or anxious, we know that this place is not our home. On the other side, Jesus tells us of the unspeakable joy waiting for us in His Father‘s home
Closing Prayer
Father God,
Thank You for sending Your son to redeem us. We know that this world is not our home. You have so much more in store for us in our heavenly home. When we put life in perspective, that this home is only temporary, and that our forever home is with You, we are filled with joy. Father, thank You for caring so much about us.
What do you think about when you think about your heavenly home?