Week 44: For a Reason
Weekly Reading:
Luke 22 - John 11
Opening Prayer
Father God,
Thank You for this day, Your creation. Father, You know how the world works, together in Your perfect design. We do not know how the world works, but we know that You are in control and we are truly blessed for that.
“Things happen for a reason.”
I’ve heard that saying so many times; but, each time I hear it, later things seem to do just that, happen for a reason.
In 2016, our lives are crazy as you can appreciate one child in college, one in high school, another in middle school, and then God leads us to make a move. I was not happy. I did not like the house we were moving into: in fact, I felt cheated because I loved the house we were in (worshiping your house basically). Reluctantly we made the move. I may have stamped my feet like a little child, acted like a little child, and publicly announced I was not happy.
We made the move and made do, all of us doing what needed to be done. Slowly we grew into the house and made it work: I cannot say that liking the house was even a remote possibility.
But, less than a year later, our lives change drastically, in one day. My husband suffered a debilitating stroke. It was scary, and upsetting and drew us closer together and closer to God. What we did not expect was that the house was perfect for us. There was a full bedroom and bathroom on the main level. There was no carpet to trip up someone learning to walk again.
“Things happen for a reason.”
The story of the blind man healed on the Sabbath as told and John resonated. Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9:1-34). Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus why the man was born blind after they pass him in the street. Was it due to something the man said or did? Or was it due to the sins of his parents that causes blindness?
“It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.”
John 9:3 NLT
“Things happen for a reason”
God’s glory needed to be illustrated that day. God’s power is carried out by his son, Jesus. Further, it had to happen so that the healed man could speak to the Jewish leaders. The man testified that he was healed by Jesus.
“Ever since the world began, no one has been able to open the eyes of someone born blind.”
John 9:32 NLT
We also see that things happen for a reason in John 11:1-44 where Lazarus was sick and had died. The disciples were confused and thought Lazarus was sleeping and on the mend when Jesus knew that Lazarus would be used for God’s glory.
“But when Jesus heard about it he said, “Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.”
John 11:4 NLT
I lacked faith in God with the move, and the disciples lacked faith. God had a reason for what happens – not in our timing, or our desire, but for the glory of God. And who are we to doubt God?
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
Romans 8:28 NLT
Closing Prayer
Father God,
Thank You for taking care of us, watching over us, and making things happen in our best interest. Father, you are the creator of all, all-knowing, all-powerful. You hold the whole world in Your hands. Father, help us to be accepting of change, change that is in your will.
Have you had something change in your life that you later realized was in your best interest?