Week 43: Fruit Bearing?

Weekly Reading:

Luke 4 - 19


Opening Prayer

Father God,

Fall brings chilly nights and reasons to snuggle up.  As we move into this season, let us be reminded that You provided our families as a gift.  You provided our church family, our work family, and our communities as gifts for the enrichment and sharing of Your Good News.  Remind us of our purpose in You.




It seems that every year, as summer wanes, we start to gaze fondly in the distance at the oncoming days of fall. The cooling of the weather, the changing of the leaves, the finality of blooming and they move into a less fast-paced frenzy that summer tends to bring.


 After the growing season of summer comes the pruning season the fall. We look at the shrubs in the yard and prune back the branches preparing them for winter hibernation. The farmer trims his crops, deciding what trees are and are not bearing fruit.


 “Then Jesus told this story: “A man planted a fig tree in his garden and came, again and again, to see if there was any fruit on it, but he was always disappointed. Finally, he said to his gardener, ‘I’ve waited three years, and there hasn’t been a single fig! Cut it down. It’s just taking up space in the garden.’”

 Luke 13:6-7 NLT


 As we look at our lives, are we bearing fruit? Bearing fruit is a way to judge our sharing of the gospel of Jesus. Are we loving our neighbors? Our community? Jesus uses his parables to speak to disciples and followers about spreading love and His message


 “Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? Flavorless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!”

 Luke 14:34-35 NLT


 Are you salty? Are you enhancing the lives of those around you as salt does to your favorite meal? Are you permeating into the community spreading God’s love as salt permeates your favorite dish?


 Jesus wants us to be changed beings, outside our comfort zones. We hang on fiercely to what we know, but Jesus wants his people to share his love.


 “If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.”

 Luke 17:33 NLT



 How are we reaching others? How are we loving others? Are we sharing God’s love for their eternal lives?


 Read Luke 19:11 through 27 again.


 Many times I have read this passage too literally. I have associated it with only money, like in the story. But, Jesus was anything but literal. His stories were all metaphorical weaving symbolism in so much at times that he would need to explain the parables to the disciples after the crowds departed. (Mark 4:34).


 Let’s look at the verse in terms of sharing the gospel, Jesus’ message of love and grace to others. The meaning flipped for me and maybe for you too.


 The first servant was given several people to mentor, when the king came back the servant grew the number of believers by 10 times, creating disciples.


 The second servant also did well witnessing and growing the church five times.


 The third servant was the tree not bearing fruit, the salt no longer salty, the one who risk nothing and stayed in his comfort zone: risking nothing and gaining nothing for the kingdom.


Closing Prayer

Father God,

Thank You for sending your son to guide us, to give us Your word.  We praise You for Your mercy and grace as we move through this life.

Thank You Father for encouraging us to share the Good News of Jesus.




  • How are you sharing God’s word in your community? 

  • Are you still salty?


May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace. I Timothy 1:2


Week 44: For a Reason


Week 42: Inner Purity