Week 46: Your Testimony
Weekly Reading:
Acts of the Apostles 8-22
Opening Prayer
Father God,
Your grace is all I need. You are all-powerful, all-knowing and You alone are my savior, my peace. Father, thank You for making big moves in my life that demonstrate Your might and power. Father, thank You for making small moves in my life that demonstrate Your love and correction. I know that I am deeply flawed and a work in process, yet, You love me anyway. I love you, Father God.
I love hearing a good testimony on why someone changes their life to serve God. People make radical changes in their lives. These are the stories of the broken, the hurting, those who are a slave to drugs or sex and overcame now dedicated to Christ. Each person shares their before-Christ stories, when they turned to Christ stories, and their now-in-Christ stories.
Paul had such a story. Paul was a man who studied Jewish law and customs, he tells a large group of men in Acts of the Apostles chapter 22. He tells the story of who he was – zealous for God in everything he did (Acts 22:3). He was so zealous of Jewish law that he persecuted followers of Jesus Christ playing a role in the imprisonment and mocking of early followers of Christ (Acts 22:4). He was so convinced his ways were right that he would bring Christians in chains to be punished (Acts 22:5). Side note: Paul was referred to by his Hebrew name Saul until chapter 13 where he was then referred to by his Roman name Paul for the remainder of his ministry, likely because he would be working with Gentiles from this point.
That was Paul's before story, who he was before he knew Christ.
But then, on one of his journeys transporting Christian prisoners to Damascus, a bright light interrupted his trek. Overcome, he fell to the ground. The voice of Jesus asked him, "Why are you persecuting me?" To which Paul answered, "Who are you?". Jesus revealed himself and told Paul to go to Damascus. When the light left, he was blind and had to be led to Damascus by others in his party, his Christian prisoners. Upon arriving, God instructed one of His followers, Ananias, to heal Paul. Paul was introduced to Jesus' love and ways and became a believer. Paul then went to live with the Gentiles for his safety.
This is Paul's story of what happened when he became a follower of Christ.
Paul's new story encompasses a life of missionary work, going from town to town preaching the good news and encouraging believers.
We all have a story that consists of life before knowing God, what happened when we decided to follow God, and what our life looks like now.
Many of us grew up in church, we think our story is boring or maybe while we think our story is finished, it is not.
For example, my testimony in my 30s was as follows:
Before following Christ:
Was there a before? All I knew was following God from memories to singing Jesus Loves Me as a child.
When I decided to follow Christ:
Was there a when? I am sure I was 12 when I was baptized or maybe earlier. Maybe that was my "when"?
My Now at age 30:
I go to church and drag my family. We fight about getting up early and dressing up. I am angry, the kids are too, and my husband isn't pleased.
Oh, but my story was not done, that was not my testimony at all. This is my testimony
Who I was before knowing Jesus: Fraud
I grew up in church, I knew what I was supposed to do, how to live, and what I should and should not be doing. However, I relied on myself and on my strength, who, and what I was in the world. I would call myself a Christian Atheist, a believer but not a follower.
In 2017, my husband had a stroke. At that moment, I realized I was a fraud. My goal was to be everything to everyone to gain the praise of others. I neglected my faith, and my family and was selfish.
I lied to myself, and others, about who I was. I consistently tried to prove myself: who I was and my greatness. I was addicted to work and addicted to praise: man's praise.
John 12:43 For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.
Who I was when I REALLY knew Jesus: Authentic
I was brought to my knees in fear after the stroke and I realized that I hated myself. I was angry often. I struggled to know who I was because I was denying who I was meant to be.
At that moment, I decided I could no longer do anything on my own, I asked Jesus to forgive my sinful ways, and I turned it all over to God.
I now am truthful to myself and who I am in God and the world. I no longer hide behind my work, volunteering, or my busyness: "getting things done".
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.
Who I am today in Christ: Redeemed/Free
Today, years later, I have grown immensely. I have said yes to God and His desire in my life. I have turned to His word for guidance and now I thirst for God's word. I still struggle, but when I struggle it is much less and I have learned to see myself as God sees me, his child.
Free from guilt
Free from shame.
Free to share God's love.
Free to share my vulnerability.
Free to be who God designed me to be.
John 8:32 And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Very different testimony today in my late 40s from the testimony from my 30s. Amen to God's grace. Your story is not finished either.
Closing Prayer
Father God,
Thank You for loving me. I praise You for surrounding me with Your love. How can I deny that You are sovereign over all when Your beauty surrounds us? Every day we see Your signs and wonders in the beauty of the small bird, to the flower to the expanse of sky. Father, Your grace is enough for me, help me be satisfied with Your provision.
What is your story? Before you knew Christ, when you knew Christ, and what is your story like now?
If you do not know Christ personally and intimately, like you feel you should, please reach out to a pastor or another Christian woman you trust.