Week 40: Anxiety
Weekly Chapters:
Zechariah 11 - Matthew 15
Passage of the Week:
Matthew 6:25-34
1. Distressed or uneasy mind cause by fear
2. Apprehension and tension
Father God,
Help me through my anxiety, feelings of loss of control, uncertainty, and doubt. I know I just need to trust in You, yet I let my mind take control. Guide me to trust in You, Lord.
Authentic vulnerability:
Anxiety, tension moving up into my neck, my breathing slows or stops, my mind is working through all sorts of scenarios that do not exist, I can’t move, my fear immobilizes me.
Sound familiar? Anxiety is more than fear; anxiety takes over our body and mind.
My anxiety can cripple me to the point that I need to remind myself to breathe. I know when it starts because I feel like I am driving without a seatbelt, a bit unbalanced, out of sorts.
What is your Authentic Truth?
There are so many verses in the Bible on anxiety
Philippians 4:6
1 Peter 5:7
Isaiah 35:4
Proverbs 12:25
Psalms 94:19
Matthew 6:25-34
Given that God finds the need to mention it so much in His word must mean that He fully knows we are anxiety-driven people. We worry about today, tomorrow, what is, and what isn’t.
To the point of affecting one’s life, anxiety can be found in 18.1% of the population (adaa.org). 18.1% is a substantial percentage. In one way, it comforts us to know that we are not alone in these feelings.
I think this is also necessary to look at two forms of anxiety.
· Environmental—where we are in situations that cause anxiety
· Chemical – regardless of our environment, anxiety is present.
Today, we want to speak of environmental anxiety: your kids are starting high school, and your anxiety comes up on their behalf, you have a stressful job or similar situation. With an anxiety that is chemical, there is research that medication is consistently breaching the gap between anxiety and security. For those cases, please seek the guidance of a professional.
God does not want us to feel the very human emotions of anxiety. He would prefer that we trust in Him, that we surrender our fears and anxieties onto Him.
God knew from the time he took the Israelites out of Egypt that they were anxious. They demonstrated anxiety through their food hoarding of Manna. They showed their anxiety of the unknown when they cursed being taken out of Egypt and wanted to go back into slavery.
In Matthew, Jesus’s teachings are centered around doing good, spreading His love, following God, and releasing the desire for earthly riches.
At the sermon on the mount, Jesus spoke to the people about anxiety and worry for tomorrow (Matthew 6:25-34). He tells us that people worry about food, clothing, or basic needs. God compares our worries for food against the birds for whom God provides. As well, he compares our worry over clothing to the lilies in the field. God cares more for us than the lilies in the field and the birds; he provides for them, so why not us.
In Verse 32, Jesus says that worry dominates the thoughts of non-believers, but God knows our needs. Jesus further says to seek God, and He will give us what we need (Verse 33). Then Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Verse 34). In my mind, this means that we need to live our lives trusting God. God has it all under control. No amount of worry from us will change the future; it will just rob us of today.
Additionally, Jesus is saying not to fabricate worries. Do not construct worries where there is no threat. Instead, turn it all over to God (I Peter 5:7).
In Jesus’ prayer to his father (Matthew 11:28-30)
28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
God desires that we find peace and rest in Him. God wants us to have an easy mind full of love and light. God does not want us to feel burdened or heavy.
Father God,
Thank You for sending your Son to us, to provide us with love and acceptance, to take on our fears and anxiety. Father God, only through You can we escape the bonds of fear and anxiety. Thank You for taking on these feelings for us.
Write a list of your worries and concerns
Next, journal your prayer of turning your anxiety over to God
Do this every time anxiety starts to creep in
If you do not feel respite from your anxiety, seek professional help from a trained counselor