Week 10: Frightened
Weekly Chapters:
Joshua 1 - 22
Passage of the Week: Joshua 1:9
1. Thrown into a fright, afraid
2. Full of awe or reverence as in fearful of the Lord
3. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger/evil/pain
· Afraid
· Anxious
· Fearful
· Panicky
· Startled
· Unnerved
Father God,
As I journey into understanding the role that fear takes in my life, open my mind and heart to Your guidance and instruction, let Your word deepen my understanding, and give me the ability to apply Your instruction.
Authentic vulnerability:
What role does fear play in your life? I’ve seen it play out in different ways in my life and the lives of those around me.
In my early 20s, I was afraid of nothing. I felt like I could do anything. I now see that same ignorance towards fear in my younger daughter. She puts herself in situations where she should be fearful: going downtown by herself to a concert, parking in a dark parking lot and walking to the venue, walking back to the dark parking lot, and driving home after. Where she should feel healthy fear she either ignores it or does not feel it.
As opposed to my older daughter, who chose in the fourth grade to sleep in the same room as her five-year-old sister because she was afraid that someone will climb into her second-story bedroom and steal her away. The fear continues into adulthood.
While the fear my older daughter feels is not debilitating and she can function, it is in stark opposition to her younger sister
We all fear. Our fear can be healthy or unhealthy. It can be supportive or debilitating. God knows that we can be fearful but He has also gifted us with a fear instinct to enrich our lives and save us from danger.
What is your Authentic Truth?
Fear is an instinct given to us to protect us against an imminent threat. We had fear of the basics, all of which hit us in different ways: animals who could eat us, famine, dangers we could face from disease. Fear from an animal with our fight or flight instinct is meant to stir action. Fear of disease or famine allows us to prepare for the future, like an ant. We also have fear of attack, war, and threats as those who challenged the Israelites. All are rational fears.
Today our fears are both real (a car out of control coming right at us) to perceived reality (spider or cockroach coming toward us, don’t laugh – those suckers are fast). The somewhat self-imposed fear of public speaking to the true fear one faces when in an abusive relationship.
God provided the fear instinct to save us, as well He provided the fear instinct to allow us to rely on Him. By trusting in God, and knowing that He is our savior, helps us feel security in His word and His loving embrace. God watched over the Israelites, He provided them with security when they followed His design for their lives. As well, God made Israelites enemies fearful of them. He sheltered them and gave the Israelites the confidence to move forward in faith.
In Joshua 1:1-9, God led the Israelites to feel His presence and support. He showed His might on their behalf drying up the river bed in the Jordan for their safe passage (Joshua 4:22-24). We are introduced to why Israel’s enemies were afraid, God’s power is immense.
Today, the fear may be different than the Israelite’s fear but no less real to each one of us. The fear my daughter felt in the fourth grade of kidnapping was very real to her. The fear I have of bugs is very real to me. We all face different fears that are very real. The question is; are they impacting God’s desire for our life? Are the fears holding us back from what God has destined for us to do? Are you in fear of your life because of your relationship?
This is when we need to seek help. We are not in this alone. We are at an age where we have counselors who are trying to help us. We no longer need to suffer in silence. We have options and resources like never before – many of which are free or low cost. Now is the time to talk to someone. If you or someone you love is in an abusive relationship, please seek help. You are a child of God and are loved greatly.
Father God,
Open my eyes to my fears and how they hold me back from Your design on my life. I want to be the child You designed and created and I know that my fears can hold me back from spreading my wings. Guide me on this journey Lord and be with me. Guide my thoughts to be on You. Praise You Father God for giving me my fear instinct and blessing me with Your love and support.
· Write down your fear. Next to each fear write down how your fear holds you back from the life you enjoy. Also ask yourself if it holds others back or transfers to others like your kids, parents, friends, or spouse. For example, am I teaching my children my fear of bugs by screaming when a bug is near me? If you stated your fear holds you back, seek out help, pray that God releases you, or helps you to find a release to your fear. If your fear is due to a physical threat, seek help immediately.
· National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673
· National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233
· National Alliance on Mental Illness Hotline 1-800-950-6264