Week 8: Jealousy
Weekly Chapters:
Numbers 31 - Deuteronomy 14
Passage of the Week:
Deuteronomy 4:24
1. Resentment against rival envying success
2. Mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear
3. Fear of rivalry
· Grudge
· Covetousness
· Resentment
· Enviousness
· Spite
· Backbiting
Father God,
As I read Your word, guide my thoughts and understanding. Give me the knowledge I need to become a better person in You and open my heart so that I am free and accepting of Your message. Thank You for providing me with grace and support.
Authentic vulnerability:
Ever jealous of your husband taking a nap on the couch? See the lady down the street who drives the Mercedes SUV, stays at home with her kids, and looks amazing in her yoga pants? Watch someone at work who you think does not pull their weight get a promotion?
Well, I have, all three. Sometimes my jealousy leads to ugly thoughts. Sometimes my jealousy leads to gossip or ugly talk about people. Sometimes the things I say are horrible and cutting. Often the statements end up as judgmental declarations that I begin to believe.
Where does this come from?
What is your Authentic Truth?
God tells us in Deuteronomy 4 and 5 that He is a jealous God. He selected the Hebrews as His chosen people.
God‘s love and favor were reserved for the Hebrews. He rescued them from Egypt. God continues to care for and bless the Hebrews bringing them food that would not cease to provide and clothing that would never wear out. He cared for his people, loved them, yet they were fickle with their love. They did not value the love God gave them. They threw it away. God was jealous and rightfully so in that God gave His all to His people and they turned their backs on him.
God is not envious of the idols or His people’s love; He was jealous. According to Psychology Today envy is a two-person situation where you may desire what someone else has where jealousy is a three-person situation where one feels the threat of losing something.
This jealousy was between three: God, His people, and their fickle love and devotion as it was directed towards something that could not save or feed them in any way.
We have all felt jealousy.
I remember having a best friend in elementary school. She was so pretty, with long red hair, delicate features. I was short and boxy with short dirty blonde straggly hair and no fashion sense. I wanted her friendship all to myself. Sharing her meant that I could lose her. She may think someone else was funnier than me, definitely more kind, prettier. I had to keep her to myself. That was jealousy.
Is there a difference in adult me where I feel I am less than, incomplete, and full of doubt?
But God, He is perfect. He can be filled with these possessive feelings. God expects our devotion and detests our idolatry. His jealousy is in that He wants more for and from us. God provides for us, has blessings in store for us, an Ideal life abiding in Him. His jealousy comes in when we turn from His promises and select something that is worldly and cannot bring us peace or joy.
God wants the best for us and it is through that desire for the best of us that God is jealous. He knows that through Him we will find the love, the acceptance, the peace we all long for and when we seek these feelings out elsewhere, apart from God, we may find temporary fulfillment. But true everlasting peace and love is only felt through God and His love and peace. Everlasting, unconditional love and peace that can only be experienced through God’s and in what He desires for us. So His jealousy is on behalf of us keeping us away from feelings of uncertainty or self-doubt. His jealousy is to save us rather than destroy us, which is what worldly jealousy does.
Father God,
Thank You for showing me Your way. Thank You for providing instruction to me. Your word provides me peace, Your word provides me instruction. I struggle with the day-to-day. Your jealousy for me to have a good, peaceful and joyous life is comforting to me. God, You fill me and complete me.
Look at what in your life may be robbing you of God’s desire. What may God see in your desires that are setting you apart from Him? Where might He find jealousy in the time you provide to Him?