Week 50: Lazy
Weekly Chapters:
Colossians 1 - Philippians 1
Passage of the Week:
II Thessalonians 3:10
Adverse or disinclined to work
Causing idleness
Slow-moving; Sluggish
Father God,
As I work to understand your will in my life, open my eyes to your message. Help me appreciate Your word and find the vigor to follow what is right and pure in Your eyes. I want to continue to be on fire for You and I want to share Your love.
Authentic vulnerability:
I would do anything to avoid being called lazy. Something in my life made me continue to strive, never sit down until everyone else does, and constantly compete. Maybe insecurity? Unfortunately, I also judge others by this same standard. I do not understand those who can relax and let things go. I worry that others will think I am not pulling my weight. I worry about others’ judgment of me and any idleness. But am I doing God’s work or just working?
What is your Authentic Truth?
In Paul’s letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:6), Paul instructs Timothy to “fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you.” Paul is telling Timothy to keep pursuing believers and bringing the good news of Christ to the people. He tells Timothy to use his gifts with vigor.
Paul instructs Timothy not to be lazy.
Paul used the example of the visit of Silas, Timothy, and himself, where they worked alongside the people of Thessalonica to pull their weight while preaching the Good News. Paul worked as a family would, as a father working alongside his family, offering love and encouragement (I Thessalonians 2:9-13). Paul used work as an example to not be lazy.
In I Thessalonians 4:11, Paul instructs the Thessalonians to mind their own business and work with their hands.
In II Thessalonians 3, Paul offers up a challenge to the idle. And further, II Thessalonians 1:11-12 challenges believers to live a blameless life where God provides strength and honor brought to the name of Christ Jesus.
Paul advised those idle to pick up and work; do the work that brings glory to Jesus Christ.
Additionally, Paul instructs us to work hard and separate ourselves from those who are idle (lazy) and those who are not believers. He teaches us to never tire of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:6-15).
So, this is what God says about laziness. When I read what Paul is telling the Thessalonians and Timothy, it is not working for the sake of working. Paul says that we are to strive to do good and turn from surrounding ourselves with those who are doing evil. Also, he says we are to work to support ourselves and our families as Paul and Silas worked (Paul did not take an offering from the Thessalonians when he came to town, he used his ability as a tentmaker to support himself). He says to live blamelessly, bringing honor to Christ Jesus’ name. Paul instructs us to use the gifts of God fervently, passionately, enthusiastically.
Live fully
Hearts on fire
For Christ Jesus
Make every moment count
Father God,
Every day You reveal more of your will in my life. As I study your word, my purpose begins to show through. Lord, continue to demonstrate Your path so that I can be in and with You. Guide me as I strive to learn more about You and be more like you.
You are busy, and no one can call you lazy. But is your busyness supporting your purpose in God?
If your busyness aligns with your purpose in God, you are on the right track (remember that being a mother, daughter, wife is a purpose if done well with each season of your life, opening up to more of God’s plan and closing doors that do not need to be open).
If it is not and you feel frustrated, what can you do to get on track? Journal about it; try to put one thing in place this week.