Week 30: Stressed
Weekly Chapters: Isaiah 4-30
Passage of the Week: Isaiah 8:22
Noun: Importance attached to a thing
Phonetics: Emphasis in the form of a prominent loudness of a syllable
Physiology: Specific response by the body to stimulus as in fear or pain that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism; physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension
Prosody: Accent or emphasis on syllables, emphasis in melody
Mechanics: Physical pressure or pull, load, force, or system of forces producing strain
· Repeat
· Accent
· Underline
· Belabor
· Underscore
· Spotlight
Father God,
Stress overwhelms my life. Sometimes it is difficult to breathe because the weight of decisions and my to-do list is so heavy. I know that the pressure I create in my life is my responsibility. Help me understand why I bring the stress upon myself.
Authentic vulnerability:
I did it again. I completely blew my top, yelling, cursing, slamming doors. I went all out toddler behavior. Quite embarrassing looking back. Glad no one saw it. But they did, my husband and my daughter, with whom my anger was focused. I lost it, totally lost it. And why? Stress.
I just completed my seventh plane ride in 11 days. I was about to go on a 10-day cross-country trip with my daughter to take her to College. She had two things to do before I got home, student loan research and pack her suitcases. I get home, and nothing is done.
My stress level: high
Trigger: coming home and seeing what was not done
Me: time bomb that just went off
Family: unfortunately, unphased, accustomed to it, not surprised by my lousy behavior.
I noticed that whenever I turn from time with God, quiet mornings, weekend musings with God pouring over his word, I fall into stress and anger.
When I let my ambitions strive for more, striving for human acceptance rather than God’s acceptance, I let my thoughts and my feelings get wound up so tight that they just explode.
Unfortunately, my family has accepted this behavior. I spoke to my husband about how I should have responded without exploding, and he says, I’ve known you for 20 years; I’m used to it. Ouch.
What is your Authentic Truth?
In God’s word, Isaiah 8:19-22, I see the parallels. When I am loading too much on, when I am actively seeking approval of man, my life goes haywire, off the rails, and my response is less than pretty. It is downright ugly.
The heading in Isaiah 8:11-22 is The Lord of Armies, the only refuge (CSP) or A call to trust in the Lord (NLT) or Fear God, Head his word (NKJV). It is the Lord’s instructions on staying holy in an unholy time.
And in verse 19, Isaiah warrants against seeking the counsel of others, he speaks of mediums in spiritual, but it is symbolic of man’s wisdom. In verse 20, Isaiah says to go to God’s instruction and testimony (CSB) or teaching (NLT).
Go to God, go to his word, go to him in prayer, seek his counsel.
Isaiah 8:21 demonstrates our hunger when we do not seek God’s counsel. We will be hard-pressed (KJV) and hungry and will be enraged.
Yes, absolutely, I can attest.
Isaiah 25:4, God is our refuge, our shelter. God is our tower of refuge overshadowing all of our troubles. The tower is our beacon of help. The feeling of safety in a stressed-out world is time in prayer with God. Tune in to God in his word, time in praise of Him.
What would my interaction look like if I had instead excused myself and went to God in prayer? Went to God and his word? In times of stress, where we feel overloaded, and our resolve is weak, it is precisely when we need Him the most.
Lessening our overloaded, stressed-out selves and allowing Him in is the only way to get back to peace and alleviate stress.
Father God,
Remind me that You are my strength, my tower of refuge, my shelter in the storm, my shade in the blistering heat, my strength. Father God, only through You can I be the person I meant to be. When I strive to please man, I get the results of stress and conflict, but through You, I feel the peace of shelter. Father God, thank You for being all that I need, want, and desire, and give me the strength to understand Your passion in my life.
Write a note for your mirror so that you can see it first thing in the morning with a reminder to pray to God, to just stop for a moment, and pray before all of life’s activity starts.