Week 33: Weary
Weekly Chapters:
Jeremiah 15-36
Passage of the Week:
Jeremiah 31:25
1. Physically or mentally exhausted by hard work and strain
2. Characterized by or causing fatigue
3. Impatient or dissatisfied with something
· Disgusted
· Impatient
· Exhausted
· Jaded
· Fatigue
· Overworked
Father God,
Please give me a heart open to You and Your word today. Instruct me on Your word and give me eyes to see and wisdom to apply Your word today. Give me rest when I am weary, rest in You as only You can provide.
Authentic vulnerability:
I am often weary, overworked, exhausted, fatigued. I burn the candle at all ends, top, bottom, right in the middle to the point that I am either a puddle of useless human or a raging wife, mother, employee, friend, stranger.
What purpose does this serve me or others? None
Does it fulfill my God-given purpose? Never
Am I resting in God when I am mean? Absolutely not
What is your Authentic Truth?
God wants His people to experience rest. He created us and knows our needs. The need for rest in him is essential to our spiritual and emotional well-being. God spoke through Jeremiah to His people at the city gates commanding the people to cease selling at the gates on the Sabbath (Jeremiah 17:19-27).
God commanded the rest of everything, including the land (Exodus 23:9-12), six years you sow, and the seventh year the land rests.
Those of us who have no concept of rest may have experienced unwilling rest. We find ourselves down with a cold, plans fall through, or a significant life event happens as a wake-up call that our hurried life destroys our marriages and our families.
God commands our rest because we need it to become centered on him and put him first in our lives. Balance in 1/7th increments. Time in rest in Him, grounding our thoughts, building on our spiritual growth, time with our creator in praise and rejoicing. Time away from the hectic bands that hold us down, binding us to the every day, shackles controlling our thoughts and fears, slowing and halting our growth.
Jeremiah 6:16; Seek out God
This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, Godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls….
Jeremiah 29:11-14; God will bring us home again
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”
Father God,
Thank You for opening my eyes to the reason I get caught in my spiral of overwhelm. Thank You for loving me so much that You force me to rest and rebuild. Lord, only through You can we experience true peace. I love You, Lord.
· Take a Sabbath. Do nothing
· Throw out your to-do list and breathe in God’s healing;
there will be room for all you have to do tomorrow.
· Let it all go
· Try it out for one Sunday
· Try it out for two
· Then three