Week 29: Yearning
Weekly Chapters:
Proverbs 29 - Isaiah 3
Passage of the Week:
Song of Songs (Solomon)
1. A deep longing, especially when accompanied by tenderness or sadness
Father God,
As I learn more about You and Your desire for my life, let me be open to Your plan and accept the goals You have for me. Let my eyes be open to who I am and who I am meant to be.
Authentic vulnerability:
Yearning and passion are powerful emotions. They create drive and purpose. They can make you think and do amazing things—positive when positioned toward moral and right and negative when positioned toward what is wrong.
And then there’s lack of yearning, those times when your passion is stale and seems to go nowhere. Today that is where I am, lack of desire, lack of passion, in my relationships, my work, and my life. That excitement to jump out of bed has turned into ugh.
The desire to do small things for my husband has waned. The goals for greatness at work have become ho-hum. Where there was once brilliance and vibrancy, a sparkle, is now dull and hazy.
I look at my skin, hair, and outlook—all dull—is the reality of my adulthood?
What is your Authentic Truth?
We run into the stark contrast of Ecclesiastics to the Song of Songs in our readings this week. The teacher in Ecclesiastes laments about the meaninglessness of everything, seemingly depressed with the future. Then the teacher saying to go out, have fun, eat and drink with friends and family while you can. The teacher says to enjoy life while you are here on earth because essentially, you’ll be forgotten after you leave. The message either leaves you feeling conflicted or uplifted, potentially based on your mood that day.
Then we jump into Song of Songs (AKA Song of Solomon). Teachers have said it is God’s feelings for the church or the love of Christ for his people. But all in all, it illustrates pure passion. The love of something that makes one’s heart sing. We saw all the senses defined in the dialog of the lovers:
· The sense of smell describing the scent of the lovers compared to blossoms and cedar
· The sense of the sound of doves cooing in the rain
· The sense of taste, your kisses are like wine (verse 7:9)
· The sense of touch with descriptions of arousal under the apple trees (verse 8:5)
· The sense of sight where two people express their relationship in undressing each other with their eyes.
Ecclesiastes tells us to live fully, and then Song of Songs tells us to love passionately. We have only a short time on this earth, do not waste it.
Psalms 119:10
I have tried hard to find you—don’t let me wander from your commands.
Psalms 130:6
I long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.
I Peter 2:1-2
So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.
Father God,
You have illustrated Your desire in my life: live a full and passionate life full of friends and fun, love and passion. Serve each other and love each other so that we can, in turn, enrich our lives. Love each other as You have loved us – with our whole heart and being. There is no time for anger and strife. Forgive and love so we can shine brilliantly.
· Write it down: how can you live more fully using all of your five senses. Journal on each sense: the sense of taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. How can you live more fully and more passionately? Then, give some hugs.