Everyday is a Choice

A person’s own folly leads to their ruin,

yet their heart rages against the Lord.

Proverbs 19:3

My pastor reminds us often that each day is a choice. Before you, there are two paths. There is always a decision to be made.

At different points in our lives, when things are messy, we may ask ourselves why.

  • Why am I at this dead-end job?

  • Why am I in this financial trouble?

  • Why am I fighting with my husband over this?

  • Why does he/she/they not understand me?

When we go through these roadblocks or speedbumps, they are ofter due to a decision we made in the past, a decision not in prayer or in council with God, one we made on our own.

We chose the path that was easy, that seemed like the right thing to do, but in hindsight, we see our error. At the same time we regret, maybe are frustrated, or are playing the blame game. We do not understand the outcome, what or why others are reacting or some other misconception of what is happening.

Solomon’s words of wisdom come into focus.

A person’s own folly leads to their ruin,

yet their heart rages against the Lord.

Proverbs 19:3

God did not get us into this, but He is the only way out.

  • Stop

  • Understand where you are

  • Acknowledge the part you played

  • Pray to God for guidance on the next steps to take, or in understanding where you are and the part you played.

By doing this, we have the ability to stop the loop in our lives, to stop being foolish in our decisions when we follow our desires rather than God’s desire in our lives. We find the opportunity to do God’s will versus our will.


Romans 8:15 – Deep Dive

