Ford versus Ferrari

Anyone who knows me knows that I love cars, specifically fast cars. Do not let the 13-year-old Honda pilot fool you. I was born for speed. At 17, I was stopped by a policeman for going 109 in a 55. I wouldn't have known because my 1982 Honda only had up to 85 on the tachometer.  I could not understand how fast I was going. The car was an extension of me. It was my instrument, and I, the operator, the wheel in my hand, the pedal on the floor, all instruments for my pleasure and performance.


Ford versus Ferrari came out in early 2020. I wanted to see it, but the pandemic started, and I decided not to go to the movies. I yearned to watch it the minute I had the chance.


July 2020, I see the movie. I was able to know the thrill of the characters driving those beautiful machines.


I was excited to see the craftsmanship of Ken Miles and Carrol Shelby, whom I often heard of in my youth from my father, a former drag racer.


Ken Miles and Carrol Shelby handcrafted the vehicles that would win the Sebring 12 hour, Daytona 24 hour, and hit the top records at Le Mans. 


Many times the Executives who gave them the backing to create this beautiful machine would continue to get in the way of craftsmanship. The movie is called Ford versus Ferrari, but it should've been called Ford versus Ford. 


The executives would interrupt the craftsmen from doing their work and impede success. One minute they would promote their trust in the craftsmen the next minute knock them down.


The Craftsmen's motives were genuine. They had one goal to win Le Mans in a Ford for the first time, unseating Ferrari. 


Vision communicated. 

Craftsmen engaged. 

And executives getting in their way. 


I think about what God is doing in my life: He sets the course, puts in the guardrails, and I ignore it all with my plan. 


Sometimes I am those Ford executives stopping God's will, the craftsman of my life.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)


Filter your expectations through God


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