Letter to my dad

My Dearest Dad,

Dad, I want you to know how much I love you.

I want to tell you all of the reasons I am thankful for you.

  • Your high expectations enabled me to achieve great things.

  • Your strength allowed me to understand the need for strength and what it looked like.

  • Your work ethic has created in me an unstoppable work ethic where I crave to be judged on my work rather than on my ability to kiss butt.

  • Your vulnerability enabled me to know that it is ok to make mistakes and to own them.

  • Your desire and drive to provide for your family demonstrated the importance of working hard for my family.

  • Your generosity enabled me to model your behavior and be generous with my time and money.

  • Your idea of giving me an allowance gave me the ability to manage my money successfully.

  • Your coaching and teaching created a love of developing others, and I use the same techniques.

  • By investing in me and taking me with you to the hardware store or the shop told me that you liked to be around me.

  • Watching your interactions with others taught me how to treat others with love and respect. Watching you take on so much and never complain taught me to suck it up and figure it out.

  • Your resolve to get your degree while supporting a family made me confident that I could do the same.

I love you for everything you are and everything you are not.  I love you for your big heart and your quirky sense of humor. I love you for your ability to love so deeply.

Dad, I am so proud of you and all that you have become.  You have achieved more than so many people. You have achieved more than anyone would have ever expected of you.  If your parents were alive today, they would say, “well done,” and you know how much they love you. When you see them in heaven, you will be able to hear them tell you for themselves. Most of all, Dad, you are loved by our Heavenly Father.  God is so proud of you and the man you are.

Dad, you are a good man, a strong man, an intelligent man, a worthy man, a gracious man, a loving man, an ethical man, a hardworking man, a man who wants something better for his family.

Dad, you are an immense success, and I hope you are as proud of your accomplishments and who you are as much as we are.

I love you, Dad. 

Your Daughter.


A Step-Dad’s letter to his daughter


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