Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose for them. NLT

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. NIV


Understanding the promise of Romans 8:28 calls for our understanding of God’s call on our lives.  God calls us to him in obedience, living for God, for His mission, for His glory.  In our love for God and in our obedience to Him, God will work in our lives.  God will make incredible things happen in our lives for His glory.


Where we sometimes misconstrue the message is when our will, our desires, are not coming to pass.  God knows what is best for us and best for his kingdom.  Therefore, when we both love God and live according to his will do amazing things happen; things like healing and provision, peace and knowing that our eternity is secure in Him.


For many years, I fought for my own will, my own desires.  I worked hard for the approval of others, worried about what others thought of me, was a slave to looking just right or saying just the right thing so as not to offend others, I would sacrifice my purpose as a mother to volunteer for everything and attempt to keep my house just right should someone come over.  I was not living in obedience to God.  It got me stressed out, overwhelmed, angry and miserable, when all God wanted for my life was rest in his arms, peace in my mind, and happiness in my heart.


I Corinthians 15:10


Hello, my name is Christine, and I am a Martha