Sacrificing versus Investing

Sacrificing versus investing

Are we giving something up or investing in the future?



Our last post discussed the cost of being a disciple. Is that cost a sacrifice or an investment? Is there a difference when we are talking about the kingdom of God? Is it a sacrifice in this life or an investment in our eternal life?


If we look at a few verses forward from last week to Luke 14:7-14, Jesus speaks to the goodness of humbleness. In verses 12 to 14, Jesus says to invite the poor, the blind, the lame instead of the rich.  The rich will reward you in this life by asking you back and repaying the favor. But, by investing in those less fortunate, your reward will be at the resurrection of the righteous. Are you sacrificing or investing?


In chapter 10 of Matthew, Jesus prepares His disciples. He cautioned the disciples, saying he is sending them as sheep among wolves (verse 16). He tells them that they will feel persecution and, as a result, will be in front of kings and rulers. At that time, they receive the opportunity to share Jesus. Is this a sacrifice or an investment?


Jesus’ disciples will be called names, threatened; but, do not be afraid because even if they killed the body, they could not kill the soul (verse 28). “If you give up your life for me, you will find it,” says versus 39. 


Sacrifice AND investment.


What we sacrifice is only for a short time, temporary, as an investment in our eternity with our Father in Heaven.

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Putting on my “big girl panties” today


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