Week 47: Distress
Weekly Chapters:
Acts 23 - Romans 13
Passage of the Week:
Romans 8:31-39
Afflicted with or suffering distress\great pain or anxiety
Caused by or indicative of stress, hardship, pain
In acute physical or mental suffering, affliction, trouble
Father God,
When we are in distress is when we need You the most. Give us the strength to reach out for You in these moments. Father God, watch over us this week and guide our thoughts.
Authentic vulnerability:
I have felt distressed like I was losing it, everything falling apart, no foothold, no handled, nowhere to turn, and nowhere to go.
It was after returning from my time in Puerto Rico after my husband’s stroke. While I was there, I worked, I kept up with all my projects despite going through the most challenging time in our family history. Besides my immediate family and work, very few people knew what had happened to my very private husband and preferred it that way.
After returning to the office, I am demoted from my position and, to make it worse, written up for not keeping up with a project.
Coming off of one tragedy and thrown back into another. I felt a fantastic amount of distress.
What is your Authentic Truth?
We know that God has never promised we would not see trouble. We will, and we have. We will go through times of great stress and turmoil.
In Romans and Acts, we see early Christians persecuted for their beliefs. Paul was one of those who persecuted Christians. He even stood by and supported the stoning of Steven (Acts 7:1-8). Many Christians felt distressed because they believed in Jesus Christ.
After Paul’s conversion, he stood for Jesus Christ. As a result of his beliefs, Paul felt the same persecution, including going on trial. He even was at the other end, finding himself the target of persecutors.
The rulers could find no fault in him but sent him to Rome to be judged before Cesar. As Paul is transported, he sees opportunities to minister to others spreading the good news.
Paul uses times of distress to be a witness for Jesus Christ.
Paul and his letters to the Roman church says in Romans 8:31-35
“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”
Romans 8:31 NLT
“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?”
Romans 8:35 NLT
While Paul is going through distress and persecution, he finds time to write to the Roman Christians, providing comforting words of God’s support. The Bible does not say that we will not go through trouble; but that nothing will separate us from God‘s love and support.
Paul’s words are so comforting to us. If God is with us, who can ever be against us? Amen to that.
Father God,
Thank You for Your comforting hand, Your support, and Your love. Thank You for sending Your son, who demonstrated that even through distress, we can still love. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to be with us and to help carry us as we go through distress, pain, and grief.
If you are going through distress, journal a prayer to God, asking for comfort and support.
Think of a time that was particularly distressful for you. Think about the love and support that you felt during this time.
Journal a thank you note to the Lord.