Week 46: Renewal
Weekly Chapters:
Acts 8 - 12
Passage of the Week:
Acts 9:1-19
Happening again with increased interest or strength
Father God,
Help me understand what You want me to see this week. Renewal sounds so powerful. Illustrate to me Your desire for my renewal. Lord, give me Your guidance this week to build on my knowledge.
Authentic vulnerability:
I love the word renewal. It makes me think of clear streams, of babies being born, second chances.
Second chances are something I desire in my life. When I look back at all the mistakes I’ve made, the ugly words I may have said, the horrible things I did or thought, the wrong decisions with money, renewal gives me the ability to pray for those sins to be removed.
Over the last year of looking back at my life and the opportunity God has provided to renew myself in Him, I am hopeful.
What is your Authentic Truth?
Paul’s conversion is the epitome of renewal, of second chances. In Acts 9:1-19, we see Paul as a persecutor of the believers. He would “utter threats with every breath” (Verse 1). His anger against believers was white-hot.
As we look at the Internet, we can search on Former [fill in the blank] turns preacher and see article after article of people who have changed their lives and turned their lives over to God. They are renewed just as Paul was renewed.
God used Paul. How can a man so radical against believers become one of them? Acts 9:3-6, God approaches Paul, laying the groundwork to renew his (Paul’s) mind and spirit. God’s desire to use someone so guarded, so against, so angry with the world illustrates His desire to work in all of us.
While our renewal transition may not be as drastic as Paul’s, we can still be renewed in God’s glory and His grace.
God’s desire for our lives is no less than God’s desire for Paul. Just as God removes the scales from Paul’s eyes (verse 18), God will remove the blinders we put on if we let him. Blind to what keeps us from him, blind to what we allow in that is detrimental, and what we keep out that may be holy and remove us from God.
God sent Ananias to Paul along with other believers to be a community for Paul. In Acts 9:21, people were surprised by the renewal they saw in Paul, amazed by his transformation, his renewal.
We, too, have an opportunity for renewal every day. A new day to remove the blinders and trust in God and His love. We can choose what is right over wrong and pray daily for renewal in God, our Father.
As I sit here, it is fall. I see the leaves break from their bonds to the tree as the wind gently blows, only to be released to the ground below. Just like our sin is removed, blowing away from us, allowing for renewal in the spring. God’s design in nature is fulfilling our desire for second chances.
Father God,
Thank You for the reminder that only through You can I find the ability for renewal each day. Give me the strength to accept Your love and Your forgiveness. Please give me the power to see in my life where I need renewal and the responsibility to take hold of it.
Where in your life do you need to seek renewal?
Pray that God will open your heart and mind with the ability to see His will in your life and allow your heart to be open.