Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 24: Fatigued

God gives us respite. God gives us complete direction. We recite the 23rd Psalm without thinking; we know it from rote memorization. But when we meditate on it, everything becomes so much clearer. God, through David, tells us to rest.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 23: Trapped

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 22: Contempt

Contempt breeds pain.

Contempt breeds heartache, frustration, sadness, and anger.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 21: Guilt

Forgiving ourselves must take place to move beyond feelings of shame and guilt. Forgiving ourselves and overcoming self-criticism, self-destructing behaviors (alcohol or food as a way of deadening emotions), self-sabotage (continuing lousy behavior, starting fights), believing you do not deserve good things, and releasing these feelings is essential for us to move on.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 20: Peace

Psalm 91:1 tells us that “those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” God tells us over and over again where to find rest. In His shadow, in His loving arms, in His presence.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 19: Drive

Solomon's drive to complete the Lord's house and celebrate God with significant sacrifices was rewarded by God's presence coming down to the temple. Solomon stuck with it and did not compromise or take his foot off the gas; he was strong, and he did the work.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 18: Loyalty

Loyalty to God equals peace. With peace, I have freedom from pain, from anxiety, from anger, and wrath. God remains loyal to those who believe in him.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 17: Rage

We focus on being everything to everyone – the perfect mom, wife, partner, employee. We lose ourselves and sacrifice who we are in the process. When anything threatens our image of perfection or when something feels out of control, we lose it and rage.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 16: Antagonistic

I am the ego driven Jezebel. I am her, and she is me. So how do I realize this, recognize it, and release it?

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 15: Suffering and Hope

We, unlike David, have a new chapter in which to write in our stories. We are not done yet. We can bring back the hope of Solomon by asking for wisdom in guidance from the Lord, writing a new chapter in our lives.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 14: Chosen

Chosen, selected, wanted. Those words are so special in their meaning. When we speak of being chosen as people, we understand this to mean above others we are selected. Or, with other options available, we stood out.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 13: Obedience

Saul disobeyed out of insecurity. Insecurity is flamed by anxiety in how others perceive us.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 12: Sad

Sorrow and sadness are gifts that we cannot see at the time. Sorrow helps us process our feelings. Sadness guides us from where we are to where we want to be through the process of grief.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 11: Unfaithful

Trust is difficult for many of us due to our past which shapes us, but our faithfulness to God requires that we trust in Him and His plan. We need to seek His guidance and listen to His quiet voice.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 10: Frightened

Today, the fear may be different than the Israelite’s fear but no less real to each one of us. The question is; are they impacting God’s desire for our life? Are the fears holding us back from what God has destined for us to do?

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 9: Helpless

How do we overcome feelings of helplessness? By relying on God’s word, reading God’s word, and meditating on His Word, we can open ourselves to God and His desires in our lives.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 8: Jealousy

God wants the best for us and it is through that desire for the best for us that God is jealous. He knows that through Him we will find the love, the acceptance, the peace we all long for.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 7: Craving

Sometimes when we are so deep in the every day, we do not even realize that we are thirsting for God.

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Peaceful Christine Soler Peaceful Christine Soler

Week 6: Rested

Rest is not only sleep, but also clearing one’s mind, creating room, creating margin in our lives like the margin on a piece of paper.

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