Learning how to pray

This year I am dedicating myself to learning how to pray. I know, I know. You were asking the same thing that I am asking myself. You don’t know how to pray??!? And One short answer, no. For those of you who do not know, I write my Bible study one year in advance. I am looking at what I wrote in 2020 which is published in 2021 and can see that I really do not know how to pray. Yes, I know how to do short prayers on a subject, but I really do not know how to pray.

This year as part of my spiritual growth I am going to focus on learning how to pray. I was raised in a church-going family until the age of seven. At that time, my mom passed away and we were on again off again churchgoers. I really did not have anybody that I could model prayer after. What I learned was picked up here and there. But prayer was always something that somebody else did and I just prayed along. Praying in front of others, oh goodness no. My prayers are not as personal and are lacking connection with God.

As I continue my journey, learning how to pray is something that I want to include. I am reading books on it, studying my Bible on it, and overall making it a goal to connect more with God through prayer. You may laugh, but I want to pray big, and grow deeper in my relationship with God. As I continue this journey, I hope to share what I learn and create a more meaningful time with God.

Will you join me?

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1


My Body


Thin line between brave and stupid.