Thin line between brave and stupid.

In September, our pastor said there is a thin line between brave and stupid.  That hit home because, “wow, how correct!”.

An answer to the question for “the line between brave and stupid” on

Bravery is moving forward despite fear, knowing the possible negative or harmful consequences to oneself. Think Medal of Honor recipients. Stupidity is moving forward, discounting or ignoring the potential negative or deadly consequences to oneself or others, for no good reason. Think Darwin Award recipients.

Keith Dale, dad of six, IT guy, ex-martial artist


There are moments we have all been brave….and moments we have been stupid.

We see Paul repeatedly demonstrating bravery to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

·       Paul gets stoned in Lystra and continues to preach (Acts 14:19-22)

·       Paul argues with others regarding the ability to be saved through circumcision (the belief of the time found in Acts 15:1-11); instead, we are saved by the grace of Jesus (versus 11).

Paul had the courage and was brave; he risked his life to save the lives of others by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Is what we are doing for God’s glory or for ours? Is what we are doing God’s desire for our lives, or ours? Maybe that is the line.

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9


Learning how to pray


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