Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 44: Startled or Shocked

Today, we have God's words and miracles of times past all in one text, so it is easier for us to believe and trust. As well, we have each other to support our belief in God..

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 43: Lost

We all are lost, lost to sin, lost to lust, lost to worldly idols. We are all found by God and forgiven by His grace.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 42: Proud

Our pride can separate us from our chosen Destiny. It can close us off to the blessings God has in store for us. Our pride can shut out the good that others can offer. Jesus wants us to love others, accept others, give ourselves to others, and be the love in the world, sharing His light.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 41: Alone

With God, we are never alone. God tells us in Matthew 28:20; He is always with us. And when we are still, we can feel Him carrying us as we are His children, safe in His loving arms. When people let you down, as they will, turn to God, trust in God, and feel God's presence.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 40: Anxiety

God desires that we find peace and rest in Him. God wants us to have an easy mind full of love and light. God does not want us to feel burdened or heavy.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 39: Strong

How do we build muscle? By tearing down muscle fibers and building stronger bonds in their place. The same is true with our spiritual strength. We need to tear down what we think we know and build ourselves up by praying to God, reading His Word, and trusting in Him.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 37: Mournful

On the other side of mourning is hope. In Daniel’s dreams (Chapter 10), God sends his angel, Gabriel, once again to Daniel. In Verse 19, Gabriel tells Daniel that he is very precious to God, to be encouraged and be strong.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 36: Detached

God is our strength if we allow Him. God is our shepherd, our leader, our refuge. God is safety and stability, our shepherd.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 35: Judgement

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.”

Luke 6:37

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 34: Cruel

A friend of mine once said, “hurt people, hurt people”. Meaning people who are hurting on the inside will lash out and hurt others.  How true this is.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 33: Weary

This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, Godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls….

Jeremiah 6:16; Seek out God 

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 32: Wrath

We are angered because we feel disrespected, not loved, not valued just as God felt. We similarly express our anger and wrath. We have choices on the other side of wrath and anger.

As always, we need to pray for guidance.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 31: Secure

Only through praying and trusting in God’s word can we feel secure with the ground firmly beneath our feet.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 30: Stressed

Lessening our overloaded, calming our stressed-out selves, and allowing Him in is the only way to get back to peace and alleviate stress.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 29: Yearning

Ecclesiastes tells us to live fully, and then Song of Songs tells us to love passionately. We have only a short time on this earth, do not waste it.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 28: Fretful

Philippians 4:6

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 27: Thirst

If we lean on God and follow Him, He will make our paths true, quenching our thirst in Him.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 26: Paranoid

By trusting in God and His power, our thoughts of paranoia can be calmed because God has our back.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 25: Shaken

In Psalms 55:22, David tells us to, ”Give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” And I didn’t. I could be strong when I needed to, be still when I needed to, and just break down uncontrollably when I needed to.

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