Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 12: Sad

Sorrow and sadness are gifts that we cannot see at the time. Sorrow helps us process our feelings. Sadness guides us from where we are to where we want to be through the process of grief.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 11: Unfaithful

Trust is difficult for many of us due to our past which shapes us, but our faithfulness to God requires that we trust in Him and His plan. We need to seek His guidance and listen to His quiet voice.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 10: Frightened

Today, the fear may be different than the Israelite’s fear but no less real to each one of us. The question is; are they impacting God’s desire for our life? Are the fears holding us back from what God has destined for us to do?

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 9: Helpless

How do we overcome feelings of helplessness? By relying on God’s word, reading God’s word, and meditating on His Word, we can open ourselves to God and His desires in our lives.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 8: Jealousy

God wants the best for us and it is through that desire for the best for us that God is jealous. He knows that through Him we will find the love, the acceptance, the peace we all long for.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 7: Craving

Sometimes when we are so deep in the every day, we do not even realize that we are thirsting for God.

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Peaceful Christine Soler Peaceful Christine Soler

Week 6: Rested

Rest is not only sleep, but also clearing one’s mind, creating room, creating margin in our lives like the margin on a piece of paper.

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Scared Christine Soler Scared Christine Soler

Week3: Small Minded

Black and white thinking always comes in and causes small minded thinking. Open yourself up to the blessings that God has in store for you.

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Scared Christine Soler Scared Christine Soler

Week 2: Restless

God gave women beautiful minds, and sometimes our wondrous and, let’s face it, constant thoughts, get in the way of being satisfied and content with the blessings that God has provided.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 52: Loving

John speaks of the new commandment in Christ, which is a commandment from the beginning—love God, love each other. 

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 51: Anger

17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

James 3:17-18

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 50: Lazy

Paul instructs us to use the gifts of God fervently, passionately, enthusiastically.

• Live fully

• Hearts on fire

• For Christ Jesus

• Make every moment count.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 49: Alienated

How do we instead show our love so that newcomers do not feel alienated? Love like Jesus loved, embrace others who are different than us.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 48: Irritated

I Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 47: Distress

Paul’s words are so comforting to us. If God is with us, who can ever be against us? Amen to that.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 46: Renewal

As I sit here, it is fall. I see the leaves break from their bonds to the tree as the wind gently blows, only to be released to the ground below. Just like our sin is removed, blowing away from us, allowing for renewal in the spring. God’s design in nature is fulfilling our desire for second chances.

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Christine Soler Christine Soler

Week 45: Troubled

When we are feeling troubled or anxious, turning to God and seeking His peace will help put our soul at ease.

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